Battling a breakup, whether it's a bitter one or not, is a hard pill to swallow. As feelings, needs and personalities change between you and your significant other, sometimes the best thing to do is to end the relationship so you both can move on. You're likely to go through a sea of emotions at first, including a feeling of failure, especially if the relationship developed over a number of years or the two of you grew very close. Dealing with your split will require some hard work on your end to recover and continue on with your life.
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Get in tune with your feelings. Don't allow the fact that the relationship is over to be a cause for you to hold back your feelings. Take the time to decipher the good and bad you can take away from the relationship and discover ways you grew and evolved from it. Don't beat yourself up; take the experience as a learning one and begin to heal.
2Remember the bad parts of the relationship and pair them with what it did to you negatively. Perhaps your mate's selfishness caused you to lose interest in sharing your feelings or the fact that you never saw each other on a regular basis helped you to repurpose the time to do something you love. Get to the bottom of what you got out of the relationship so the focus is positive and on the good that you were able to take away from it.
3Channel your time away from your mate by doing something you love. Start a new fitness routine or go on vacation with a few of your friends. Get used to living your life without that other person and be sure to do things you enjoy.
4Set boundaries for how you two will communicate in the future. Limit you communication with each other at first until the healing process has set in. Set up a plan to either be friends or perhaps never speak again based on your own wants and desires. Don't get forced into doing something that works for your ex but that you don't want to do.
5Get out and meet new people. Hang out with someone new when you're ready and keep it casual. Don't allow one bad breakup to cause you to put your life on hold, yet don't jump into a new relationship right away, either. Now is the time to explore what you seek in a mate and enjoy meeting people as part of the process.
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