Fighting with your significant other is a situation you want to avoid. There's no doubt that you and your boyfriend are going to have a lover's spat here and there, and keeping the love flowing requires hard work and concentration for both of you. Before you and your beau blow up, try to listen and communicate effectively.
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Understand what causes you to fight. Make a mental note of the types of things you two tend to argue about, such as his not understanding your feelings or your disregarding his time. Determine whether a lot of your arguments revolve around the same general issues.
2Be the bigger person. Be patient when you feel a fight brewing. Take the role of being in charge or diffusing a heated discussion by easing the situation. Speak to him calmly, and take the time to think about what you say before you say it. Pause when a conversation is becoming heated.
3Use a low, calm voice as you re-approach the nature of your disagreement. Tell him that you need him to listen to your point of view and that once you finish, you will allow him to voice his own. Communicate effectively by listening intently, speaking only when it's your turn and remaining calm no matter what.
4Put yourself in your boyfriend's shoes and ask that he do the same. Instead of being quick to combat the issue and make your point, let the issue soak in for a while, and really consider what you would do if the roles were reversed.
5Give each other some space. If you are communicating only with short, snippy tones or heated debate, spend some time apart. Give each other time to do things with other people.
6Discuss a breakup or break in the relationship if there is no change in how you communicate. Know that you must learn to adapt to each other and work toward better communication or undergo a breakup.
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