When you're out, either alone or with friends, it is possible that someone will be attracted to you and make romantic advances. Whether or not you are interested, it's important to be prepared so that you can politely respond to the advances and make your response clear. Having a guy hit on you can open the door to a new relationship or leave you needing to politely decline, depending on whether or not you're available to date.
If You're Interested
- 1
Smile and respond kindly to his comments. Make it clear that you are available and interested in talking to him.
2Talk with him for a while to get to know him a little. This will give you a better idea of whether or not you would enjoy going on a date with him.
3Offer your own phone number if the conversation is going well. This gives him a way to contact you later and set up a date.
4Respond to his call when he phones you. Avoid playing mind games or trying to wait before responding. Be open to making plans to see where the romance leads.
If You're Not Interested
- 5
Smile politely, but let him know that you're not interested or you're unavailable. Avoid hinting at it; be clear with what you say and what you mean by it.
6Move to a different area or leave if he doesn't stop hitting on you. Alternately, you can ask someone else in the building to talk to him so that he leaves you alone.
7Ask him to stop if he begins harassing you with his advances after you've turned him down. Let him know that you won't tolerate harassment and are open to phoning the police if need be.
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