Although men or women can find themselves comfortable in an otherwise toxic romantic situation, sometimes enough has to be enough. Gaining the courage to end things, even when you're dealing with the worst of romantic situations, can be one of the more difficult things you will ever experience. At the end of the day, however, you need to consider that your own emotional health and happiness is more important than the convenience of staying in a relationship. Finding your inner strength is a process that will lead to greater happiness and independence.
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Make a list of reasons you aren't happy with your significant other. Sometimes relationships that should have ended after the first week go on for months or even years when both parties feel too guilty or selfish to end things. With a solid list of reasons you want to leave, it will be much harder to talk yourself out of a breakup that you know should happen. When forming your list, be honest with yourself. It's all too easy to gloss over the unattractive aspects of your relationship, but a realistic list of things you aren't getting from the relationship will be the difference between a breakup and a few more months of miserable coexistence.
2Find strength within your support group. Your own personal support group might include family members, friends or even colleagues. Find comfort in the fact that you are surrounded by people who care about you and want you to be happy, with or without your significant other. Knowing that people are there for you makes the fear of suddenly being alone and single much easier to bear.
3Concentrate on activities and hobbies that you enjoy and don't involve your significant other. Becoming involved in activities that you enjoy and are good at will give you more self-confidence and a greater sense of self. If you are happier with who you are, leaving a person you aren't happy with will suddenly seem much easier.
4Take steps to become more independent and self-reliant. If you live with the partner you are intending to leave, find other possible living arrangements for after the breakup. If you are financially dependent on your significant other, start trying to find a job of your own. Taking small steps toward greater independence will lead to you feeling more secure and safe in the event that you can no longer rely on your partner.
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