The emotional bond and tight friendship a couple can develop throughout the course of their relationship can be hard to get over after a breakup, especially if the relationship has lasted a long time. Moving on with your life as a single person can be challenging. If you don't hold yourself together and confront the situation with the proper attitude, you can get sucked into depression. Erasing your ex from your memory isn't a possibility; however, there are steps that can help you find closure, embrace your new life and be happily single.
- 1
Avoid contact with your ex. It will be hard for you to move on if you keep calling, texting, emailing or messaging each other. It isn't easy to cut off all contact; however, this step is crucial if you want to move on. Staying in touch with your ex can lead to false hopes of getting back together, or you may end up getting intimate, which would just make things more difficult and will keep you from moving on.
2Embrace your feelings and confront them. If you keep your feelings suppressed because you don't want to show that you're hurt, you'll bottle up a lot of emotions that won't let you move on because you'll be carrying them inside. Cry if your have to -- feeling sad is normal part of the process.
3Share your feelings with a close friend or family member. Having a shoulder to cry on enables you to release feelings that are trapped inside. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with someone you trust is a proactive way to release the unhealthy emotions that are keeping you from moving on. Plus, having someone else chime in on your situation may help you see your situation in a different light.
4Analyze the relationship to determine what went wrong. A proactive way to get closure is to pinpoint the things that caused the relationship to fail. Any mistakes you made during the relationship will now serve you as learning experiences. For instance, if the separation took place because you were too jealous, learn from this mistake for future relationships. If you identify and correct your mistakes you'll feel more confident as a single person because you'll known you have much more to offer.
5Make yourself the priority. Although you must allow for the grieving period to run its course, it is imperative that you cater to your needs, dreams, goals or projects. For example, you can take dancing classes, find a new job, do volunteer work or anything you feel passionate about. Doing something like this will make you feel empowered as an individual because it will show you can accomplish things on your own. Plus, you will meet new people, make new memories and your mind will be stimulated.
6Focus on moving on. There is a point when you will have to push through even if you still feel like grieving. Act happy if you have to. According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, a University of California at Riverside psychologist and author of "The How of Happiness," acting happy actually makes you happy and draws people to you. Although you may have to fake it at first, after a while you will actually become happier and, as a single person, drawing people is a big plus.
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