Navigating the confusing world of romance can be difficult at any age, but it is especially challenging and daunting when you are young and still learning the ropes of dating. School-age dating often comes with uncertainty because both boys and girls may be shy or embarrassed to express interest. If you are questioning the feelings of a boy at school, there are some helpful signs to look for that will help you determine if he likes you or not.
Teasing a girl is a common, and often misguided, way that young boys try to channel their feelings and express their interest in a girl. Verbal and physical teasing and joking is a precursor to flirting, and although teasing can easily be misconstrued by the girl as mean-spirited, it is generally quite obvious the boy is doing it to be funny and engage you in communication.
Asking About You
Hearing that a boy at school has been asking and talking to his friends about you is a good sign that he is interested in you romantically. The interested party may also talk to your friends to find out more about you. This tactic is especially useful for boys who are shy and want extra assurance of mutual interest before they are willing to put themselves out there for potential rejection.
Flirtatious Body Language
Pay close attention to the body language of the boy you like or the boy you think may like you to gain hints about his true feelings. If a boy likes you, he will make an extra effort to touch you and be near to you whenever possible during class, at lunch and in the hallways. The website Effective Communicating indicates that a boy who is flirting will put a hand on a girl's shoulder or knee, tickle her playfully, pat her on the back or "accidentally" bump into her.
Showing Interest in Your Hobbies
It is a positive sign that a boy may like you if he takes time to learn your interests and hobbies, and makes an effort to participate in activities that you enjoy and partake in, such as school sports, clubs and extra-curricular classes. Mutual interests are a great way to build a relationship, so this effort in creating similar likes is a positive sign of a budding romance. According to the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center, enjoying doing things together and sharing mutual interests are important aspects of a strong relationship.
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