Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Effects of Bad Communication in Relationships

According to Anne Morrow Lindbergh in the "Book of Famous Quotes": "Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after."

A relationship needs maintenance to stay intact and both people must do their part, or bad communication skills can be harmful.

Diminished Intimacy

    One of the worst punishments a person in jail can get is being put in isolation. This gives you an idea how important companionship is for human beings. When there's a lack of communication between a couple, a rift begins to form. Men sometimes fail to communicate their thoughts and plans to their wives because they feel that it takes away their independence. This causes wives to become upset and wonder whether there's something wrong with themselves that causes their spouse to hide things -- when, in fact, he just may be too lazy to talk.

Giving the Wrong Message

    Communication doesn't just mean verbal communication. The way we speak and the tone we use also conveys a message. If one partner is listening to the other but is not making eye contact, the other can assume that he's either not interested or holding a grudge over something in the past. Therefore, while listening, it's important to make eye contact and respond with either verbal or physical gestures such as nodding to let the other person know you're mentally there.

Lack of Trust

    Failure to communication can result in a lack of trust. A thing not told can later appear to be a lie. If a wife makes plans to go out with co-workers but fails to tell her husband, he may later see her there or find out later, making an innocent thing look suspicious. It's best to talk to each other about your coming and goings. Even failure to show you care what your better half is up to can cause a lack of trust, making her wonder why you're not bothered whether she's around or not.

Growing Apart

    When different instances of communication failure build up, a couple start to grow apart. They begin to misunderstand each other, each with a false idea in their minds about what the other is thinking. This leads to mistrust, lack of intimacy and resentment for each other. Over time, if they don't talk out their problems, it can cause a couple to either blow up at each other in a fight or become so distanced that they no longer have any feelings of love or anger, just numbness.

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