Verbal abuse can dramatically lower your self-esteem and make you feel unworthy of love. What's more, there is not as much support available for victims of verbal abuse as there is for victims of physical abuse because the marks are mental rather than physical. A verbally abusive relationship can also make you feel dependent on your abuser, which makes it even harder to deal with. The best way to deal with a verbally abusive relationship is to walk away from it. This is challenging, and takes a lot of strength, but it is absolutely possible, and you won't regret it.
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Find a friend or family member who will let you stay with her for an extended period of time. Shelters will take you in, but only for a week or two, and leaving a verbally abusive boyfriend calls for a long-term solution, not a two-week solution.
2Collect any documents, small things with sentimental value, and other important things, like bank account numbers and investment certificates, beforehand. Stash these in the place you are going to be staying or put them in a safety deposit box. You don't want to have them on you when you leave because if he catches you he could grab them and use them as leverage to make you stay.
3Keep your plans to leave quiet. People love to gossip, and if your boyfriend finds out beforehand he will make it more difficult for you to leave.
4Leave when he is not there. This will keep him from persuading you or forcing you to stay, and will also make it easier for you to leave.
5Ignore all future contact from your boyfriend. He might stage a "recovery" in which he showers you with gifts and apologizes to you incessantly. You need to be strong and ignore these. Not matter how good he promises to be in the future, you're leaving him because of how he made you feel in the past, and he can't change that.
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