People cheat for a variety of reasons. It's a very hurtful experience to go through if you're on the receiving end. In general, it's not uncommon for a relationship to include disagreements, miscommunication and lack of understanding. There are times when you may believe one thing and find out that you were wrong. All of this is very normal, as no one is perfect. But when it comes to cheating, there often just seems to be a nagging feeling that won't go away.
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Check for differences in the bedroom. If she's making excuses to not be intimate, it could mean that someone else is now fulfilling that role. Another sign could be that unless the both you have discussed spicing up bedroom time, watch for any new techniques that she brings to bed. She could have learned them from someone else.
2Watch for changes in behavior. Being overly accommodating out of nowhere could be a sign of guilt or mean she's hoping you won't notice an affair. Being rude or disrespectful may be the result of her slowly detaching from you and getting closer to someone else. She'll make you the bad guy to justify her cheating.
3Look through her phone and Internet activity. It may feel like you're not respecting her privacy and boundaries, but if you have a feeling that something is wrong, there may be a good reason for it. Subconsciously she may have already given you signs and subconsciously you've noticed them. Signs could include not answering her phone right away or taking the call into another room. If she starts acting secretive with her Internet use, you know where to look.
4Notice changes in appearance. All of sudden she has a new hairstyle, wardrobe and she's wearing makeup more often. Women don't necessarily need a reason to dress up or change their appearance. But you'll notice that there is something different and slightly off if she's cheating on you. It may remind you of how she used to get dressed up all the time when you two first started dating.
5Monitor the time you spend with one another. If you live together, she'll be out more often and will probably say she's going out with friends. If you live apart, excuses like work, family emergencies and other events will decrease the quality time you two used to share.
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