Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Albert Einstein put it all into proper perspective when he said, "Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So, each is inevitably disappointed." If you are barely tolerating your boyfriend's seeming inability to just grow up, you are not alone. It is the stuff sitcoms are made of and the things that make women want to pull their hair out.



    Join a couple's group. Expose him to a local couple's group who are studying ways to bond, grow together and increase the chances of a long-lasting relationship. Good character begets good character. Rubbing shoulders with men who are choosing to grow will make him more inclined to step up as opposed to looking like a buffoon. Introducing him to mature men may also help him lose interest in the sophomoric behavior of his pals.


    Volunteer together. Nothing incites emotional growth like tending to the plights of the less fortunate. Take time with your boyfriend to volunteer at a local homeless shelter. Suggest to him that the two of you help a shut-in nearby with issues that have been neglected such as leaky faucets or broken door latches. Visiting with the elderly and shut-ins or volunteering for the masses is a great way to get him outside himself and expose him to the bigger picture and promote growth.


    Be patient. Don't be in a hurry to change your boyfriend. Continue to create an environment that is conducive to emotional growth. But don't push it to the extent that you drive him to someone who can accept him where he's at in his journey. Love and encouragement can go a long way to helping your boyfriend grow. You will also do well to remember that, while it may not seem like it now, you will one day miss those immature antics of his.

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