Ending any relationship is difficult, but breaking up with your live-in boyfriend is even more complicated. You probably didn't take the decision to ask him to move in lightly, so give the decision to ask him to move out equal weight. Consider these factors before you decide to dump him or give him another chance.
- 1
Ask yourself why you're still living together. If you're thinking about asking him to move out, there must be a reason. If you no longer love him, can't put up with his annoying habits or have met someone new, for example, it's better to break up now so you can move on with your life.
2Decide if he's done something unforgivable like cheating on you that's made you want to dump him immediately. If he's apologized and vowed to change, consider his pattern of behavior and discuss the situation with friends and family before giving him another chance.
3Evaluate how he's been treating you now that you're living together. When he starts taking you for granted, no longer seems attracted to you and stops communicating, spending quality time or having fun with you, there's not much point in living together unless you simply want a roommate.
4Analyze if he's doing his fair share around the house. If you're growing resentful because he's not for paying rent or groceries, doing any housework or inviting his friends over at all hours, just think what it will be like if your boyfriend becomes your husband.
5Consider your financial situation. The fact that you can't afford to live on your own shouldn't be a consideration if you need to dump an abusive boyfriend. But you may want to wait to kick him out until after you've got a new roommate or another place to live lined up if, say, you're merely dissatisfied with your relationship.
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