When you break up with your significant other, you should be open to communication even though talking about the situation -- or to your ex -- may be the last thing on your mind. Sometimes, talking about your feelings with a trusted friend or a professional can help alleviate any overwhelming feelings of sadness, guilt or regret. Also, if you happen to run into the person with whom you're no longer involved, you want to be prepared to deal with the encounter appropriately.
Talking to Your Ex
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Make eye contact with your ex if you see her in public and say "Hi." Don't try to avoid her. This can look awkward, especially if she sees you and knows that you see her. Remember, it takes a lot of time and energy to avoid someone forever.
2Keep moving after you say "Hi." You don't want him to get the wrong impression such as you're interested in rekindling the romance. If he wants to stop and talk, do so if you feel comfortable. Stay away from stressful topics such as your breakup. Keep the conversation polite and simple.
3Leave the area with a simple, "Well, I need to go, bye." Cut the conversation short if your ex starts to rehash old events.
Talking to Someone Else
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Choose wisely when you talk to someone about your breakup. For instance, don't try to talk to a friend who has a stressful life with little time to talk. If you do so, you may not gain any satisfaction from the conversation.
5Avoid continuing the conversation if the person you're talking to starts making negative comments about your ex or the way the situation was handled. You need someone to listen and offer positive encouragement as you try to deal with the situation.
6Join a support group or seek out professional help from a counselor or therapist if you can't seem to move on with your life.
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