Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Physically abusive relationships are alarmingly common, each with their own devastating effects. By constantly inflicting pain to the victim, the perpetrator slowly becomes unable to function regularly in society. In addition to the severe pain and bruises, the victim's psyche can also become affected just as much, if not more. Abusive relationships have a few tell-tale signs, and detecting them is key to helping a victim as early as possible.

Derogatory Language

    The earliest signs of a physically abusive relationship are often not physical. Feelings of superiority which are associated with abuse start with the excessive use of derogatory language in public. Examples include cursing the victim out or calling her sexually obscene nicknames in front of her friends and family. This language is often excused as jokes, but can have severe psychological implications later on.


    Victims of physical abuse often go through states of severe depression with friends and family. Regular abuse acts as a negative reinforcement forcing victims to accept pain as part of their life. Victims become emotionally unstable; they cry for no apparent reason and react violently when facing very small problems. In extreme cases, their thoughts may turn suicidal; their thresholds for pain are nearing capacity and their judgment becomes impaired and unable to see the problem rationally.


    Friends and family might find that they're seeing the victim significantly less often. Some victims choose to internalize their pain in attempting to spare others of their suffering. Additionally, victims may also become dependent on their significant others; despite causing them pain, there is a psychological effect within victims that they believe they can change their partners by sticking with the relationship. In worse cases, the victim's self-esteem has been lowered to the point that he believes that he cannot survive without his partner.


    Friends and family are often the first ones to become fully aware of an abusive relationship. They can clearly see the signs but may find themselves unable to help the victim abandon the relationship. Because of the severe psychological effects of abuse, friends and family may have to resort to complete interventions: forcing the victim to live separately from her partner. This would also include regular sessions with a psychologist to rehabilitate the victim back towards gaining her self confidence.

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