The end of a relationship or marriage is the ultimate loss of control. Not only are there feelings of sadness, but an uncertainty as to what the future looks like. The stress of the situation can lead to poor health and social problems. There are ways to deal with a breakup that allow you to mourn the end and come out of it a stronger, happier person.
One of the healthiest ways to deal with a breakup is to add more exercise to your life. It's a way to turn the frustration into aggression. It feels good to work out your feelings in the gym. Aerobic exercise, such as running and swimming, are excellent ways to get moving and forget about your troubles. Lifting weights helps you feel powerful. Yoga is perfect for stress relief. A side benefit is that you also get in shape.
No Contact
One of the hardest parts of a breakup is the lack of contact. Of course, if you are married or cohabitating, there will be some contact between you for a short while. Do your very best to avoid talking unless it's necessary. Even if you feel guilty over the breakup or just miss the sound of his voice, keeping in contact soon after the breakup makes it that much harder to get over it.
Let yourself feel the sadness. Don't necessarily wallow in it, but don't fight it either. There will be conflicting emotions, such as sadness, fear, anger and confusion. Work through the grieving process. It's crucial to do this, otherwise it will take longer to get over the relationship. Confide in a close friend or family member. If you are private, consider starting a journal.
Try to create a routine for yourself. It is likely you will feel like something is missing, your daily life will be different and doing the same things will make you feel worse. Instead, get on a regular routine to help you feel more secure and less chaotic. It doesn't have to be a strict schedule. Organize your life and create a new reality for yourself. Give yourself set times to workout, grocery shop and visit with friends.
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