If you have ever suffered a broken heart, you know it can cause extreme and debilitating pain. It can be both mentally and physically draining and cause the sufferer to become depressed and even physically ill. According to a study performed by cardiologists at Hiroshima City Hospital in 1991 and confirmed by a report in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2006, a broken heart has a scientific basis and is called broken heart syndrome. The psychological trauma caused by a broken heart can cause atypical heart fibrillation, vascular constriction, irregular heartbeat and spasms. Although the stress caused by this condition is severe, you can mend a broken heart and become whole again.
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Talk to friends, family or a group to alleviate some of the emotional trauma associated with having a broken heart. Find someone willing to listen, and tell them how you feel. You might even try an online forum where people are supportive or suffering the same feelings of pain and loss.
2Write daily events down in a journal, and reread after several days to a week. Writing will give you an outlet for your feelings when you are unable to voice the pain. Journaling will also help you see the progression of your feelings and document how you are dealing with the pain of a broken heart.
3Exercise daily to alleviate the physical stress associated with a broken heart. You may prefer a noisy space such as a gym to help take your mind off your broken heart and allow you to connect to people, or you may prefer quieter running, jogging or yoga, or a combination. Whatever your preference, exercise often to help cure the pain of a broken heart.
4Get involved with other people and try new things. For instance, you might join a sports team, take a class or volunteer. Interacting with others will provide a distraction that will keep your mind from dwelling on your broken heart. Trying something new can also contribute to increased self-esteem and make it easier for you to move forward with your life after a breakup.
5Spend some time analyzing your prior relationships before moving on to a new one. It may take weeks to years to get over a broken heart, depending on the length and seriousness of the relationship. It is important to understand the reasons for the breakup, so you do not jump right back into a destructive relationship. Did your partner cheat, was there abuse or did you just grow apart? You might write down the reasons for the split and compare them to previous relationship experiences. In addition, consider seeing a therapist who can help you understand the reasons behind the collapse of the partnership to enable you to move forward more easily.
6Consider dating again. Because the grieving process is different for everyone, it may be difficult to determine when you are ready to date again. For instance, if you are openly bitter or resentful, it may not be time to move on; however, if you feel your heart is open to new people, you may be ready to date. Try talking to single people on a website or in a forum that interests you if you are not ready to physically go out with someone new. Getting involved in activities that appeal to you will help you find potential partners who share your interests. In addition, let your friends know you are single to widen dating opportunities.
7See a doctor if you cannot get out of bed, experience uncontrollable crying or have thoughts of death or suicide. The emotional pain caused by a broken heart can lead to extreme depression that may require medication. Antidepressants or other prescription medications can be used both in the short and long term to help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression associated with having a broken heart.
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