Entering the dating game opens you up to rejection in its many forms. You must learn to understand the difference between personal and impersonal rejection in order to survive. Dating rejection is not always a reflection on you or your actions; rather, it is often simply a misunderstanding, incompatibility or a person's insecurity with no personal malice attached. To handle dating rejection, you have to trust yourself, ignore the small stuff and learn from past rejection. Dating is not a science, and feelings are hard to navigate, but in no time you can handle dating rejection with ease.
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Learn the difference between real and false rejection. If you get a woman's phone number at a bar and call her, and she doesn't call you back, you are not being rejected. There was no date and no opportunity for rejection. According to Online Dating Crash Course, this is a nonresponse, and there could be many valid reasons. Real rejection can only come when you've formed at least a small connection with a person and have gone on an actual date.
2Discuss small-scale rejection with your new partner. If he doesn't want you to come over one night, after you've been on three dates, ask him why next time you talk to him. He may have had to work or may have not been feeling well. A lot of times, people feel rejected and hurt when they shouldn't.
3Minimize your pain with real rejection. If a fairly serious partner breaks up with you, place things in perspective for yourself. Look at her reasons and what kind of person she is. A lot of times, when relationships start to get serious, insecure people will reject their partners for fear of being rejected themselves.
4Learn from your mistakes. When a date or partner rejects you, think back on your time together. Analyze how you behaved and how you both communicated. Usually, there are indicators of incompatibility, minor hostility or disconnection that may not have been obvious at the time. If you were too needy early on, too passive or overbearing, you can modify your behavior and hopefully avoid rejection in the future.
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