Dealing with an angry female can be both intimidating and challenging. In a situation where a girl is mad, the idea of talking to her can seem like a poor choice, but ignoring her anger might only make her more upset. If your girlfriend is mad and you want to fix the situation, you need to learn how to talk with her. Learning what to do in this situation can help calm some of her anger and allow you to work things out with your angry lady.
- 1
Figure out what has caused your girlfriend to be mad, if you don't already know. Think about when she started to get angry and what circumstances surrounded that time. Was there anything you did that could have caused her to be upset? If you still can't figure it out, ask her why she is angry in a calm and polite tone. Let her know that you want to to help her feel better.
2Address the issue that is upsetting your girlfriend. Let her know that you don't want her to be angry and if it was something that you did, apologize right away. Communicate to her that you want to work things out so she is no longer feeling the anger and so you two can continue to have a good relationship. Make sure you aren't saying things just to appease her and get her over the anger, and make it clear that you want to address what caused the anger in order to prevent it in the future.
3Walk away for an hour or more if your girlfriend is inconsolable and says she doesn't want to talk. In many cases trying to get an angry girl to talk might only further her anger when all she needs is a little time to cool down. She will most likely still be angry, but much more open to talking after a little bit of time. After you give her some space, go back and try to talk with her again.
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