Relationships can fail due to a variety of reasons, from personality changes to external factors, such as affairs. Whatever the reason, once your relationship has started to fail, it is very difficult to get it back on track. Sometimes counseling and extensive talking and cooperation can help you to try to rebuild the relationship. If you know it is time to move on from a failing relationship, you can do it, enabling you to have more fulfilling relationships in the future.
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Talk to your partner about the future. The first stage in moving on from a failing relationship is to discuss the relationship's future, and make plans. For example, if you live together, will one of you move out? Who will keep possession of pets, or objects you jointly own? Try to be respectful, and keep the conversation civil.
2Picture how you want life to be. For example, there may be an area you've always wanted to live in, or a course or job you'd like to do. Envision these. You could cut relevant pictures out of magazines and make a mood board to remind you of your future aims when you are feeling down.
3Cut off contact from your ex-partner. This might seem painful, but it's the only way you can let yourself heal, and get used to life without that person. Avoid calling, texting, visiting or thinking about the other person. Remove connections on social media sites. Contact will only make you miss the person, and wonder if you could have made it work.
4Cry if you need too. Let your emotions go, and grieve for what you have lost. When you started the relationship you will have had dreams and plans, and losing these is painful. Losing the familiarity of the other person, and the status of being in a relationship can be difficult too. Let yourself cry and get the emotion out.
5Spend some time doing things which you enjoy. Go and see a soccer match, or go to a spa. Watch your favorite films and have an indulgent bath. Order in your favorite food. Do things that remind you who you are, and make you love yourself. It's important to love yourself again, since if you don't, how can you expect anyone else too?
6Talk to friends and family. Don't be afraid to discuss how you feel, as many people have experienced the same and will have helpful advice. Even if you don't think there is anything anyone could do, talking is good therapy, and some company and comfort should make you feel a bit better.
7Think about the relationship. Once you've healed and started to enjoy yourself again, you should be able to take an objective look at the relationship and see what went wrong. Was it preventable? Were there warning signs? This information will help you in future relationships.
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