It is extremely difficult to get over an ex that you were and maybe still are in love with. If you are determined to move on with your life, you need to get serious about getting over your past relationship. Make a plan of action and stick with it. You have an exciting future ahead of you and it's about time you stopped letting him get in the way.
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Mourn the break-up like a death. It can never be revived and it can never return from the grave. The relationship is dead, dead, dead. Allow yourself a small amount of time to grieve for your fallen connection and then put the relationship to rest. You have to mentally commit to leaving your ex in the past, before you start to heal.
2Do not stay friends. In order to heal from a break-up, you can not be confronted with him at every turn. You will never be able to get him out of your head without eliminating his presence in your life. Delete him from you phone. Remove pictures of him from your house. Delete him from any social networking sites you use. Politely decline invites to outings or events that he will be attending.
If he is a coworker, you obviously will not be able to completely avoid him but you can make small changes to help you get over him. Skip happy hour drinks when he will be there. Keep contact to a minimum and communicate with email instead of in person or phone whenever possible.
3Fill the void he left with an active social life. Getting over a break-up is painful and while the wound is still fresh, being alone at home will only depress you more. Take this opportunity to reconnect with family members and old friends. Go to parties or throw your own party. Go out on dates. If you are not getting asked out, drag a friend to a speed-dating event or out to the bar. Create a rich social life and nurture fulfilling relationships with friends and family.
You can also add meaning to your life by volunteering. Making a difference in your community will allow you to help others and build your own self-esteem. When you volunteer and make someone's life a little happier, you will add deep meaning and value to your own life. The hole your ex left in your heart will begin to fill with rewarding experiences and connections.
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