The movies and television shows make it look so easy. You fall in love with your best friend, tell him or her and you end up living happily ever after like Ross and Rachel on Friends. In real life though things arent always this easy. You might tell your friend how you feel only to have them not reciprocate, which could make things a bit awkward going forward. If youre ready to ask a best friend if they like you, get a little courage and hope for the best.
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Hope for the best, but prepare yourself for the worst. Your best friend might tell you that theyve been interested in you for awhile or they might tell you that youll never be anything more than just a buddy to them. Make sure you can handle it if they tell you they arent interested.
2Rehearse what youre going to say and even write it out on paper so you can think about all the words and how they go together. Go through everything youve said and think about how youd feel if someone told you that. You might even ask your friends to listen to your small speech and tell you what they think.
3Give your friend a call if you know or think that you cant handle having the conversation in person. This way you cant see their face when you ask, but you can still hear their reaction. It also gives you the chance to work up to the question because you can talk about other things first.
4Ask your friends for advice before you take the big question to your best friend. Friends have a way of seeing and hearing things that you dont. While youre worrying about asking your friend how they feel, your friend might be worrying about whether you like them.
5Meet your best friend in a quiet and neutral location where you can talk about your feelings and get everything out into the open. The last thing you want is someone else to walk up in the middle of the conversation and start talking about a new song.
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