There's no doubt about it -- telling a girl you like her is intimidating. Have no fear, though: there are less direct ways to break the big news. If you're not quite ready to come out and say it, use such a trick for subtly letting a girl know you're interested in her.
Greet Her
A simple way to show a girl you're interested in her is to greet her warmly when you see her. Smile at her and greet her by name. Ask how she's doing. Small, caring gestures like these go a long way. For the extra mile, hold doors and pull out chairs for her. Who says chivalry is dead?
Talk to Her
Strike up a casual conversation with her whenever you get the chance. Ask about what's going on in her life and really listen to her. If you show genuine interest in what she has to say, she could pick up that you're interested in her.
Remember the Little Things
When this girl talks to you about her job as a waitress or her little brother's baseball games, remember the details and ask about them next time you talk to her. Girls love to know you're listening to them. Making mental notes about the details of her life shows that you have a true interest in getting to know her and that you really care about her.
Compliment Her
Every girl loves a little flattery. Tell the girl you've got your eye on that her hair looks pretty or that her dress is beautiful. But be careful -- if you dwell on it, you'll sound desperate. Give her one honest compliment paired with a smile and she'll think about it for the rest of the day.
Tell Her You're Thinking of Her
When you're not around her, send her a flirty text message or email that subtly lets her know you're thinking of her. Tell her you finally tried that great restaurant she was talking about, or say you heard a song on the radio that reminded you of her. Keep the conversation short and sweet, and say just enough that she starts thinking about you, too.
Ask Her Out
This is the most tried-and-true way to let a girl know you're interested in her -- just tell her. Let her know you'd like to get to know her better and ask her on a casual date. She'll be flattered by your offer, and you might just get a chance at spending more time with her.
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