Guys will need to shape up a little if they want to look good to a teenage girl. It's not too complex, but some boys seems to be clueless when it comes to impressing the opposite sex. Just take a little care with your appearance and your attitude and you'll be looking good in no time.
- 1
Clean up! It's pretty basic, but teenage boys forget how important this is to the ladies. Sweat isn't sexy. If you want to look good to a girl, you will need to shower and wash your hair every day. Use deodorant. Clean and trim your fingernails. Brush your teeth and gargle with mouthwash.
2Wear what's in style. You don't have to spend a fortune. You can get good stuff at consignment and thrift stores.
3Take care of your skin. Acne plagues most teens, but there are lots of over-the-counter products to try. If they don't work, see a dermatologist for prescription medication. Don't allow acne to make you miserable.
4Learn to dance. You'll impress the girls, simply because so many guys hate to dance.
5Look confident. It's a fantastic turn-on. Girls are attracted to a relaxed guy who looks as if he's having fun. Learn to be yourself, rather than trying to imitate everyone else.
6Keep in mind that a girl will get over good looks in a hurry if you're shallow and insensitive. She wants a nice guy who is genuine and easy to be around, so don't worry too much about whether you're oh so cute.
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