Getting over an ex-boyfriend can sometimes seem like an impossible task, especially if that ex-boyfriend was particularly nasty. If you're working to move on after a breakup from a jerk, there are several techniques you can employ to make the process faster and as pain-free as possible. Keeping perspective and remembering that this person wasn't right for you will help you think about the future and finding someone who treats you right.
- 1
Cut off all contact with your ex. Don't call him, text him or email him. Don't check his Facebook page or ask mutual friends about him. Ending communication will help you stop thinking of things to say to him.
2Spend some time wallowing. Have your girlfriends over, eat ice cream, watch sappy movies. Feeling a little sorry for yourself is part of the healing process, so long as you don't stay in that mindset forever.
3Focus on what went wrong in your relationship. Remember the times he hurt you or took you for granted. Feeling sad about a guy may make you remember him better than he was, so remembering the negative can help you keep perspective.
4Get your mind off the breakup, however you can. Get a new hobby, join a gym or a new club, anything to get you focused on something besides your ex.
5Date other people. Dating others will help you start thinking about the future, and realize that future doesn't include your ex.
6Get rid of everything in your home that reminds you of your ex. His clothes, photos of him, gifts he may have given you, anything that makes you think of him when you look at it, throw it away or donate it.
7Consult a therapist if the problem persists. Talking to a counselor or licensed professional may give you the tools you need to fully move on.
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