Healthy relationships are a critical component of humanity. Your intimate relationships can be the most rewarding part of your life or cause you angst and confusion, depending on the foundations sets early in the developing relationship. Several ingredients working together make a solid foundation for short-term gains with long-term growth.
From the moment you first meet the potential love of your life, you establish a persona that that person responds to throughout the relationship. Start on an honest foot and be the person you are, not a person you think your counterpart wants to see. An honest impression includes exposing your likes, dislikes and vulnerabilities in a truthful, albeit subtle manner.
Communication occurs when you speak to your partner in a verbal or non-verbal manner. Learn each other's communication styles and speak to each other in a way that you both understand the crucial components of the discussion. Your partner might respond best to simple, direct communication rather than yelling profanities. You might respond best to being shown how to do something rather than firm verbal direction. Vocalize your needs of your partner to help her understand what she can do to meet those needs. Do not expect your partner to read your mind and make you happy when she does not know what it is that might make you happy.
Get Involved
A healthy, long-term relationship involves give and take. Your partner might enjoy attending sporting events, and as his companion, your attendance might also be appreciated. You do not have to like everything your partner does but remember to get involved on occasion so you both can enjoy the experience together. Your partner might not prefer to take ballroom dancing classes, but if you ask him to attend, he might consider it because it makes you happy.
A Work in Progress
Starting a new relationship with a predisposed idea of how it might play out only sets you up for disappointment. All relationships are works in progress, and as such, they must be fine-tuned as you go. Take the time to understand each other, re-evaluate the relationship as needed and make changes as a team. The earlier you begin recognizing the relationship as a fluid entity, the more likely you will be able to roll with the punches as they come later in the relationship.
Respect and Compromise
Respect in a relationship helps you maintain boundaries and allows your partner to understand his own limits. For instance, respect when you disagree on a topic means that you do not call each other names or insist on winning the argument in order for it to end. Compromise is part of respect. The earlier you understand that you might not always get your way, the more solid your foundation becomes. You and your partner can find a way to compromise that works for you both.
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