One of the biggest things that tears a relationship apart -- and quickly -- is infidelity. If you are with a person whom you do not feel that you can completely trust, it is helpful (and smart) to be aware of all of the key signs of a cheater.
If you are in a relationship and notice that your intimacy level has drastically (and perhaps quickly) gone down, then it could be a sign that your partner is finding affection somewhere else. When someone loses all interest in the intimacy aspect (from cuddling and beyond) of a relationship, it often indicates infidelity.
If your significant other is being unfaithful to you, you might find that all of a sudden he is always too busy for you. Consider various factors, such as if he is always working overtime at the office or if he has recently made some new friends and has a vibrant social life. These things could be coverups for secret trysts with a lover.
If you notice that your partner does not allow you to go anywhere near her computer, it could be because she is hiding her Internet activities and other things from you. Perhaps she uses email as a means to communicate with her lover, or perhaps she downloaded a picture of them together and it is available on her desktop. Some signs to look for include protecting the computer with a password and immediately turning the computer off when you walk by.
When a person is cheating on a partner, he might suddenly become significantly more critical. If all of a sudden your partner starts nitpicking at you and pointing out all of your shortcomings and flaws, it could be because he is comparing you negatively to his new lover, which he presently might view as being preferable.
If you have access to your partner's financial information (as many couples do, especially if they are married), you might notice that he is making many unexplained and unusual purchases recently. Look out for excessive ATM withdrawals or purchases that are not necessities. This could point to everything from him buying things for his lover to buying things in preparation for being around her.
One key indication of a cheater is extreme defensiveness. If you ask a simple question such as "What were you doing so late at the office tonight?" and she becomes very defensive, perhaps even belligerent, she might be overcompensating for something.
Bizarrely enough, one possible sign of a cheater is sudden niceness. If your partner is out of the blue behaving toward you in a manner that is much nicer than usual, it could be because he is cheating on you and is feeling guilty. It also could be because he doesn't want you to suspect that he's cheating.
Increased fights also can be signs of cheating. If your partner recently has been lashing out at you more often and picking fights with you, it could be because she is cheating on you and wants to justify her behavior. It also could be because she wants to create an "out" of the relationship and she feels that fighting is one way that she can do that.
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