Controlling behavior can be a major red flag in a relationship. If you are noticing that your partner is acting controlling in a way that makes you uncomfortable, you may need to end the relationship and move on with your life. Controlling behavior includes actions such as wanting to spend all his time with you, getting upset when you spend time with others, being critical, communicating all the time to check up on you and isolating you from others. It is necessary to take precautions when these signs are present, as controlling behavior can sometimes be a warning sign for abuse or violence. You do not need to accept this type of behavior in your life and have choices regarding how to break things off.
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Contact family and friends to let them know that you are wishing to end your relationship. If you are living with your partner, you may need to ask someone else if you can stay at her place until you get back on your feet.
2Prepare your belongings before beginning the conversation about breaking up and put them in a safe place. Ask to speak with your partner in a public location to talk to him about ending the relationship.
3Talk honestly with your partner about your reasons for wanting to end the relationship. If she becomes angry with you, allow her to express her feelings, but leave if the situation becomes uncomfortable or violent. Speak with her about the possibility of seeing a couple's therapist to deal with the controlling behavior or to help end things smoothly if behavioral changes cannot be made. A controlling individual might not want to go to counseling because she would have to face her actions, but it does not hurt to ask if you are interested in salvaging your relationship.
4Contact a shelter for abused men or women if you are worried that the relationship will end violently or if you do not have anywhere else to go. Shelters will often allow you to stay until you are able to support yourself.
5Contact a therapist if you are having doubts about ending the relationship. A therapist will be able to talk you through your decision and help you make sure that you are doing what is best for you.
Child Behavior Modification Program for Defiant Children and Teens
www.thetotaltransformation.comThe Total Transformation is a child behavior modification program for defiant child behavior problems like oppositional defiance disorder and child anger issues.
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