Let's say you seek a companion to cuddle up next to on cold nights and to share some laughs with as you watch a comedy flick. Then you certainly want to pick the right girl. If you are considering a particular girl, consider whether she will prove compatible, decreasing the likelihood that your first foray for romance will flop.
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Look for a girl with whom you have something in common and share some interests. If you are content to play video games all day, and she is eager to hit the town and dance the night away, you will likely find your mismatched interests present an obstacle that prevents a thriving romance.. By selecting someone with whom you have mutual hobbies, you can ensure that you both enjoy your time together and that neither one of you is forced to compromise entirely to fit together as a pair.
2Seek someone with whom you can communicate. For your relationship to grow strong, you will need to be able to speak candidly with your girlfriend, sharing your thoughts, dreams and fears. If you can find someone who you feel comfortable speaking to and to whom you are willing to open up, you will likely increase your chances of relationship success.
3Consider how the person makes you feel. When seeking a girlfriend, most desire someone who can make them feel some butterflies in their stomach. If one of your girlfriend candidates has the power to make you feel fluttery, she probably is a good choice, as your body is already telling you that you have some feelings for her.
4Determine the degree to which your life plans align. If what you want a lasting relationship, seeking someone who shares goals and plans that align with yours is smart. If you are considering someone who wants to live for a year in Europe and you wouldn't want to do that, you're probably better off looking elsewhere..
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