Relationships are not always easy. Sometimes, problems arise, and you have to find a way to face them. The way you react depends on your own personality and your girlfriend's. When it comes to something personal like kissing, you have to be especially careful to try not to hurt your girlfriend's feelings, as the issue might not be the way she kisses but a problem of compatibility.
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Give her a hint, and show her the way you like to be kissed. Often we do things thinking that the other person is enjoying them, but we are completely wrong. Taking a leading role can be a way of solving the problem. Start by kissing her, and make it obvious that this is the way you like it.
2Encourage her to try new and different ways of kissing. Experimenting is fun and is about sharing with the other. It will lead to a new range of kissing, and this is the moment you can express enjoyment with a particular style. This reverses the situation by focusing on something positive like a new discovery.
3Ask her the way she likes to be kissed. This way, you can start a conversation about it , and by asking her first, she will get to express her thoughts, and then it will be your turn to have a go.
4Find the best moment to tackle the problem. It is never easy to tell someone something you dislike about them, especially if the other person is your girlfriend. Try to create a relaxed situation to discuss this issue, like having a private picnic with a glass of wine. By making an attempt to minimize the problem, you may not hurt her feelings as much, and you both might even end up laughing about it.
5Be casual about it. A tone that is too serious will scare her, so talk about it like you would discuss other things, like what's for dinner tonight or what the plans are for the weekend.
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