If your girlfriend is angry with you, it can make communication difficult. She may make herself unavailable, become sarcastic or distant or even refuse to admit that anything is wrong. Anger is something that can fester, turning a small issue into something much larger and more difficult to deal with. If you need to talk with an angry girlfriend, take steps to ensure that your message gets across.
- 1
Give your girlfriend time to cool off. If she has become angry over something that just happened, give her time to cool down and to sort out how she feels. You may wish to wait a day or so before contacting her again.
2Contact your girlfriend and request a face-to-face meeting. If she turns you down, emphasize that you wish to talk with her and smooth things over and that she is important to you. If it makes her more comfortable, offer to meet with her at a place of her own choosing.
3Talk about what has made her angry. If what has made her angry was something that you did, explain it to her. If you were at fault, apologize and tell her how you are planning to fix the behavior. Do not offer an apology unless it is sincere, however.
4Tell her that you care about her and that you value your relationship.
5Talk with your girlfriend about how the two of you can work to prevent further problems in the future. This prevents further conflict down the line.
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