Relationships are vital facets of life for most people. Humans are social creatures and the relationships we form and develop with others impact both us and the people in our lives. We need to look at the relationships we are in and be able to identify which are positive and which need changing. In the case of a verbally abusive relationship, it is sometimes necessary to leave it entirely.
What is a healthy relationship?
Various components constitute a healthy relationship, including self-respect, making and keeping clear agreements, communicating, honesty and being able to forgive. In a healthy relationship, both individuals respect each other and are able to communicate freely and openly.
You cannot enter a healthy relationship unless you respect yourself first. A lack of self-respect opens the door for either co-dependency issues or the potential of being controlled. Everyone should feel that she has value and is worth loving. Without respect, both for self and for others, the door is opened for a verbally abusive relationship to form. Verbal abuse causes pain and trauma, neither of which a respectful individual would want to inflict upon her significant other.
Communication is the main way to see if a relationship is healthy or verbally abusive. In a healthy relationship, the two individuals will be able to talk to each other with mutual respect. When disagreements arise, as they do in any relationship, a couple with a healthy relationship will be able to talk it over and perhaps even raise their voices. But it's only in a verbally abusive relationship that hurtful personal attacks occur.
In a verbally abusive relationship, disagreements turn into fights in which the aggressor may resort to criticizing or putting down the other person. The abuser may feel a sense of superiority to his partner and a sense of entitlement that will close the road to the kind of two-way communication that is vital for a relationship to flourish.
Honesty and openness are key components in any relationship. They help build trust, the solid ground on which a relationship between two people can be built. When a relationship is healthy, each partner will be truthful without being disrespectful.
When verbal abuse enters the equation, though, the heightened sense of superiority in the aggressor can lead to dishonesty. He may consider his partner to be below him and unworthy of the truth. On the other side, the abused victim might lie to prevent the wrath of her verbal assaulter.
Apologies and forgiveness
Forgiveness can happen in both healthy and abusive relationships. There is a difference, however, depending on whether mutual respect is present or not. In a healthy relationship, both parties are capable of forgiving each other, at least to a certain extent, and to put the past behind them and focus on the present.
In a verbally abusive relationship, the abuser is often unaware of her actions. It doesn't occur to her that what she says is extremely hurtful and detrimental to the emotional health of her partner, and so she will often not feel the need to apologize. The victim may forgive the abuser in his own mind, or to others, but forgiveness does not extend the other way. Having an often heightened sense of superiority, the abuser does not feel the need to apologize for anything, or to work on changing her behavior.
What are the Signs of Verbal Abuse in a Relationship? eHow Health Mental Health StressVerbal abuse is common in many marriages but is not always easy to identify because the abuser can manipulate the victim's feelings, damage the person's self-esteem ...
Abusive Relationships and Why Victims Stay Verbal Abuse in ... think there are three broad reasons why people remain in abusive relationships: The victim doesnt realize theyre being abused. The victim knows theyre ...
After Leaving Your Abusive Relationship Verbal Abuse in ... can be difficult to find your footing after leaving an abusive relationship, but it will happen. Mentally and emotionally detaching from your abuser is key.
Examples of Verbal Abuse in a Relationship eHow Marriage Marriage & Resolving ConflictVerbal abuse is a form of domestic violence and can occur between partners, spouses and other family members such as parents and children. It can include threats ...
Relationship Problems Tools to Build and Maintain a Healthy ... list of online resources to equip you with tools to deal with problems in your marriage relationship.
Best Way To Deal With Verbal Abuse - Relationship Problems ... am a 30 year old married woman with two children. Outwardly I do not have much reason to be unhappy but I do feel depressed, anxious and annoyed most of the times ...
Teen Relationships The Relationship Spectrum Healthy Relationship. A healthy relationship means that both you and your partner are Communicating You talk openly about problems without shouting or yelling.
Domestic Abuse/Sexual Assault Services - Healthy vs. Unhealthy ... that occur in the teen years may affect dating relationships later in life. The lessons teens learn today about respect and what is right or wrong may ...
What is Abuse? - Emotional, Verbal, and Psychological Abuse ... is Abuse? - Emotional, Verbal, and Psychological Abuse, Narcissism, Pathological Narcissism, The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), the Narcissist,
Verbal Abuse in relationships, marriage, family, dating, school ... LOVE SHOULD NOT HURT Love Should Be Life Giving Not Life Destroying COVERING PRIMARILY VERBAL ABUSE IN RELATIONSHIPS A
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