Being in an abusive relationship is traumatic, but getting out of the relationship does not always erase the harm that has been done. Many unresolved issues often survive the end of an abusive relationship.
Dealing with being abused erodes a person's self-esteem. Feelings of being worthless are often the product of being constantly berated.
Abusers work hard to isolate the abused person to keep the victim under their control. Once the abused person has been isolated for a significant amount of time, it is hard for the person to function as a social individual.
Drug Abuse
Isolation is the perfect environment to foster drug abuse. The feelings that an abusive relationship can leave behind can further fuel the need for drugs.
An abused person often has a hard time trusting people. There is a constant fear of being mistreated again.
Abused people are conditioned to think that the abuse directed at them is a product of their own actions and that they deserved the abuse. This might lead to further destructive behavior, including returning to the abusive situation or entering a relationship with a new abuser.
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