Is it true that only time can heal a broken heart? There are other ways to cope with a broken heart.
Tips on Healing
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Stay away from the person that has hurt you. This will help you heal faster. Seeing that person all of the time will make it difficult to move forward and recover. Get rid of anything that reminds you of him such as photos, emails, gifts, and any other items.
2Remember that things will get better in the future and it will take time to heal. Recognize why you feel the way that you feel and keep your mind occupied with other things to help keep your mind off of what happened.
3Spend time with family and friends. They will will be able to keep you company and encourage you.
4Go out and exercise. This will not only improve your health but will help reduce your depression and stress along with helping you to sleep better
5Start a new hobby or pursue an interest. This will help counteract the sad and lonely feelings.
6Volunteer your time by helping others who are in need. This will help you focus on other people rather than on yourself.
7Keep busy by finding activities that make you happy and laughing such as watch a comedy movie. Avoid watching sad movies.
8Listen to music that gets you going and feeling good about yourself. Skip the slow or romantic songs as those will bring down your mood.
9Avoid being alone as much as you can. The goal is to avoid loneliness and depression.
10Take up a home improvement project such as making new curtains or work on a car if you are mechanical or undertake a painting project in your home. Get a friend to help.
11Seeing your ex on a daily basis at work can be difficlut. Do not bad mouth your ex to your co-workers or others who are in contact with your ex.
12If your ex is a co-worker, consider taking a vacation from work to help distance yourself from your him or think about getting a new job. Perhaps you could be transferred to another branch of your workplace so that you will not see your ex so often.
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