Pheromones are a body's natural chemicals that cause attraction. Androstenone is the formal name of the chemical that makes up pheromones. Pheromones are theorized to produce a natural musk, stimulating subconscious parts of olfactory -- smelling -- sensations. While some scientists continue to doubt the existence of pheromones and their effect on attraction, a good test to see if pheromones work is to wear them directly.
- 1
Find four willing people to act as participants in the test. Two participants should be girls and two should be guys. Each participant should be as equally attractive as possible.
2Spray one guy and one girl with a cologne or perfume with a high concentration of androstenone. Do not spray the remaining guy or girl with this cologne or perfume.
3Send each of the four participants out on 10 speed-dates. Each date should last a maximum of five minutes. Have each of the speed-daters -- those dating one of the four initial participants -- complete a post-date survey form. Ask each speed-dater if they would like to see their speed-dating partner again.
4Collect and compare the post-date data. Examine each form to see if there is a discrepancy in results between the two participants wearing the androstenone-based cologne or perfume and the two that did not. More specifically, use this data to test to see if the two participants wearing the androstenone-based cologne or perfume garnered move favorable survey results than the other two.
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Do pheromones really work to attract others and where can you Categories Health BeautyAnswer Pheromones are naturally occurring substances the fertile body excretes externally, conveying an airborne message to trigger a response from the opposite sex ...
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