Ending a relationship can be difficult regardless of how long you've been with someone. There are different approaches to ending a relationship and things to avoid while doing so. Knowing these can help you break up with someone in an adult-like manner.
The best way to end a relationship is to gently break up during a face-to-face meeting. Don't be too confrontational. Regardless of whether you're breaking up with a man or a woman, start by saying something nice about the person.Tell him you've always loved the way he made you laugh. Bring the situation to an end by adding that you believe the relationship isn't going in a direction you are happy with. Explain that breaking up is for the best and you would prefer that he accept your decision.
Send a letter to the person you are breaking up with if you are in a long-distance relationship. These relationships are believed to seldom last, so sending a letter provides closure to your partner. It is more polite than ignoring the person until she moves on. Don't send a simple break-up note. Explain that you no longer wish to be in a long-distance relationship and want to see other people. You could also send the letter as part of a package returning gifts she gave you. This will help show that you are serious about ending the relationship.
Sometimes it's easier to have a mutual friend break the bad news to the person you're breaking up with, particularly if it's a relatively new relationship. But this shouldn't be done with someone you have dated for a year or more. Have your friend tell the person that you are not interested in a second or third date and to not call you again. Have them tell the person that he is not your type and you want to date other people.
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