The girl you have had your eye on just broke up with her boyfriend. While you are happy to see that guy out of the picture, you struggle with how you can help her through this difficult transition without ruining your chances of being the next guy in line to sweep her off her feet. Although it might be hard for her to see you in that light at first, if you play your cards right, she might not be able to help herself from falling right into your arms.
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Be there to comfort her. Counter to a guy's need to be alone, girls tend to feel lonely and vulnerable in difficult times, depending on their friends to get them through, especially after a breakup. The best thing you can do as her friend and potential boyfriend is to simply be there for her. Whether you are offering a shoulder to cry on, a warm embrace or a hand to hold, your being there is what will have meant the most when the tears have long since dried and she can see things more clearly.
2Listen to her. Girls tend to sort their feelings out through conversation, so it is important that she have someone she can count on to talk to without offering up any judgment or criticism. You are certainly free to offer her your advice should she ask for it, but for the most part, it is your job to sit beside her and simply listen. More often than not, she is just working through her feelings, and it always helps to have a friendly, caring ear to bend.
3Find ways to reassure her. After a breakup, girls need lots of reassurance. This is your chance to shine. Compliment her when she smiles or when she wears a pretty dress. Remind her how smart and talented she is, but be genuine about it. Reassurance is essential in recovering from a breakup.
4Refrain from trying to pick up the pieces for her and glue them back together. Although it's in your nature to want to fix things, especially when it comes to this particular girl, what she needs from you, more than anything, is your friendship. According to John Gray's best-selling book, "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus," men are natural-born problem-solvers. However, be aware that some problems don't need solving as much as they need a chance to resolve on their own.
5Be patient with her while her heart mends. If it's true what they say about time healing all wounds, don't expect her to feel better about this breakup overnight. It might take a long while before she feels ready to date; then again, it might not. Allow her enough time to find her footing, and continue being the guy in her corner until the end.
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