Emotionally unavailable men often exhibit similar qualities and behaviors. These men can be physically unavailable, as well. If you're in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable man, chances are you're trying to figure out the root of the problem. If your man is difficult to read and you feel like you're investing much more than you're getting, you could be in a relationship with an unavailable man.
Men who are emotionally unavailable may be great listeners, but they're not necessarily good talkers. They're not willing to open up and communicate, or share their feelings openly. Often, this is because they've grown up in a household that exhibits this same type of behavior. If your man's parents prodded him to be silent and strong instead of intuitive and honest, he may be used to and comfortable with shielding his emotions, both from you and from himself.
The Chase
Emotionally unavailable men can be much more drawn to the chase and getting the girl than they are to actually having a relationship. Once this man knows that he's got you hooked, he'll lost interest. If you back off and appear unavailable yourself, he'll be interested again. However, this may not be a cycle that you want to be involved in.
Some men are emotionally unavailable because they're actually in another relationship aside from the one with you. You cannot get much of a commitment from a man who's committed to another woman, whether he has a girlfriend, or a marriage and family. These men want you in their lives at certain times, but ultimately they won't make you their priority.
Other Interests
It's not always a negative character trait or history that makes a man emotionally unavailable. Some men just have interests that don't include being in touch with their feelings. For example, men who seek out adventure, love to travel and take risks for entertainment may be emotionally unavailable because they prefer to concentrate on other areas of their lives that don't include romance.
A man with a large ego may be emotionally unavailable. If the man is attractive, he may have grown up feeling that he could get what he wanted on looks alone. He may have never had to develop an emotional side because women gravitated to him without it. On the same note, if your guy's very into himself, he may not be putting any thought into your feelings, or his feelings for you and your relationship.
How To Spot Emotionally Unavailable Men - Mr Unavailable's ...
www.baggagereclaim.co.uk/how-to-spot-emotionally-unavailable-menA list of all of the vital signs that you're involved with a Mr Unavailable - a man who is emotionally unavailable and unable to commit to the relationship or ...
The Emotionally Unavailable Man - A Profile
ezinearticles.com Relationships CommitmentFeb 25, 2008 It takes a wise woman to spot this sort out at first sight, but generally speaking, emotionally unavailable men are easier to date than to identify.
The Emotionally Unavailable and Passive Agressive Man - Yahoo ...
voices.yahoo.com/the-emotionally-unavailable-passive-agressive...May 12, 2010 A depiction of the emotionally unavailable and passive aggressive man and how to avoid him.
The art of falling apart.: Emotionally unavailable men.
May 24, 2008 If there were a hundred emotionally available men in a room and one emotionally unavailable man, guess which one I would be
BEWARE of Emotionally Unavailable Man - Meet & Keep The Right Man ...
www.relationshipatoz.com/emotionally-unavailable-man.htmHave you ever had an elusive relationship with an emotionally unavailable man? Somebody who was probably attractive ...
How to Connect With Emotionally Unavailable Man eHow
www.ehow.com Marriage Marriage & Resolving ConflictEmotionally unavailable men may appear anywhere in your life. He may be a husband, boyfriend, son, brother or father. These men rarely share what they feel and may ...
What to Do With an Emotionally Unavailable Man eHow
www.ehow.com Family Dysfunctional FamiliesDealing with a partner can be frustrating. You may be fretting because it seems that your man won't open up to you about his feelings, and your conversations are ...
Signs of Emotionally Unavailable Men - EzineArticles Submission ...
ezinearticles.com Relationships LoveDec 22, 2011 Do you know how to spot emotionally unavailable men? The 2 key signs of emotionally unavailable men.
A Letter to Emotionally Unavailable Men - Single Black Male
www.singleblackmale.org/.../14/a-letter-to-emotionally-unavailable-menOn Valentine's Day, Patia pens a wonderful letter to those who identify as Emotionally Unavailable Men
Letter to the emotionally unavailable men of the world
iwantmykissesback.com/letter-to-the-emotionally-unavailable-men-of...**** Disclaimer: This letter is not a personal letter to anyone in specific even though it may appear that way. This letter is for those who have ever experienced ...
Do emotionally unavailable men change? Baggage Reclaim by ...
www.baggagereclaim.co.uk/do-emotionally-unavailable-men-changeThis is probably one of the most common questions that I am asked by women and it seems that no matter what some of you know about yourselves and him, you're still ...
When your mate is unemotional and emotionally unavailable ...
feelingsbook.com/articles/...unemotional_and_emotionally_unavailableWhen your mate is unemotional and emotionally unavailable. Excerpts from books by Speaker, Author, Counselor: Craig Miller
unavailable - your unemotional side
unemotionalside.tripod.com/id8.htmlEmotionally Unavailable. Being Involved With An Unavailable Partner Is A Dead End "I'm writing to you about the man I've been dating for ...
How to Get a Man to Become Emotionally Attached With You
www.go-get-guys.com/dating/advice/get-a-man-to-become-emotionally...our favorites : THE WOMAN MEN ADORE... AND NEVER WANT TO LEAVE For every woman who longs for the relationship of her dreams, this e-book gives both practical
Married to an Emotionally Unavailable Man, Dr. David, Christian ...
www.crosswalk.com/...to-an-emotionally-unavailable-man-11559474.htmlMarried to an Emotionally Unavailable Man,- Dr. David marriage help and advice.
Attachment theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_theoryAttachment theory describes the dynamics of long-term relationships between humans. Its most important tenet is that an infant needs to develop a relationship with at ...
I Have an Emotionally Unavailable Husband - What to Do? -
guidetomyman.com/emotionally-unavailable-husbandAn emotionally unavailable husband can make married life tough. You love him, you make the effort to show him you love him, but he never reciprocates. What kind of ...
Dealing with Emotionally Unavailable Men : Women's
www.vitalhealthzone.com/.../women/...emotionally_unavailable_men.htmlThere is a lot of significance to knowing about emotionally unavailable men. Dating problems often stem from not knowing how to deal with such men.... Vital Health Zone
The Truth About the 'Unavailable' Man - Your Guide to Wellness ...
www.mindbodygreen.com/0-5917/The-Truth-About-the-Unavailable-Man.htmlWhen I say unavailable, I mean in any sense of the wordemotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually. A man who doesnt show up for you in the way you want.
Blended Family Moments: Coping With An Emotionally Unavailable ...
www.blendedfamilymoments.com/2012/...with-emotionally-unavailable.htmlI often review questions sent to the Blended Family Moments account from individuals who are part of a blended family. The pain that these people have endured is real.
A Thesis for Emotionally Unavailable Men - Single Black Male
www.singleblackmale.org/...dont-you-fall...emotionally-unavailable-menThe great explanation of emotionally unavailable men on the internet today.
5 Ways People Can Be Emotionally Unavailable
www.articlesnatch.com/Article/...Can-Be-Emotionally-Unavailable/854944How do you know you are with an emotionally unavailable person? Something inside you will be screaming to get out of this relationship, yet you are also hooked in it.
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