The art of seduction is something one could learn over time, through a lot of trial and error. For most, there are more errors, but that shouldn't stop them from learning how to do it successfully. A more physically attractive man already has an edge because there is already a magnet there. A less attractive man on the other hand, has the chance to get to know a girl better at first because he will have to exert more in this slow seduction process. Here are tips on how to do effective seduction:
- 1
Main thing to consider in seduction is to manage your image and build a good reputation. A positive aura and a good standing among peers will be good for you.
2Never blatantly lie about your profession, financial status, or if you have a girlfriend or not because the truth will come out soon enough and you will just lose her trust in the end.
3Do not be a weakling but show some sensitive side of you. Women cling to strength of physique and strength of spirit. You can show some hints of sensitivity by watching romantic movies and letting her know how you feel about certain things without sounding overly sensitive.
4When your point of interest is a really popular and gorgeous woman, ignore her - that is, if you already know that she knows about your own good reputation and social status. It will make her curious that you are not attracted to her.
5Learn as much as you can about the woman first - what she prefers, her personality, and her dislikes. That way you can devise a way to catch her attention more.
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