When you are infatuated with someone, it can turn your whole world upside down. Every time they walk into the room, your heart jumps and your pulse quickens. If a crush asks you something off the wall, a strange question instead of "Let's go out for dinner," it can leave you stunned and unsure how to answer. Read the tips below to handle this situation with your crush.
- 1
Stay cool no matter what he asks. Although you may feel flustered, smile and look him in the eyes. Retain your composure and he'll respect you more.
2Let your crush know you find the question a little strange. Do it pleasantly, with a wink in your voice so she'll think more about your cute demeanor than the question.
3Change the subject. Do it without arousing suspicion and draw his attention to something else going on in the room.
4Tell her you need to think about the question. Hopefully, she'll let it go and not pressure you for an answer on the spot. Or tell her that you can't answer that kind of questions until you become better friends.
5Make up a witty answer. If you make a crush laugh and turn his focus away from the strange question, you can bond with him and turn a potentially embarrassing situation to your advantage.
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