Keeping a relationship together is tough, and sometimes it just does not work out. Now comes the dreaded the break-up conversation. While you may want to end the relationship in person, it is actually better to break up with your girlfriend over the phone. This phone call can be difficult, but usually it is best for both parties.
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Make notes of the reasons for the break-up before you make the phone call. If you do not have them to keep you on topic, the attempted break-up could fail. These notes should include why you are breaking up with your girlfriend and specific instances that illustrates these reasons. If you get flustered during the phone call, just look at your notes for guidance.
2Call the girlfriend during the week and not on the weekend. That way, at least she can get the personal support of friends and family over the weekend. If you make the call say on a Saturday or Sunday, she will have the entire workweek to ruminate over the break-up. A Wednesday or Thursday call allows enough time for her to make plans with friends or family for the weekend.
3Be constructive during the break-up phone call. It does neither one of you any good to be mean or rude. If necessary, you can take all the blame for the ending of the relationship. Say that you are just not ready for a relationship and that she is a great person. Be sure that you lay the lay the blame on bad timing or your immaturity.
4End the phone call as quickly as you can. Obviously you do not want make it a five-second call, but you also do not want to make it a marathon. The longer you stay on the phone, the greater the chance that you will chicken out and keep a bad relationship going, which is no good for either of you.
5Use strong phrases that indicate the relationship is over. For instance, do not say "Well, I have been kind of unhappy with some things in this relationship." Instead say, "This relationship is not working and will never work."
6Leave the return calls unanswered. Invariably, she will attempt to call you back. To break up with your girlfriend over the phone correctly, you simply can't let her think there is a chance that the relationship may continue. Eventually you may be friends, but wait at least a few weeks before you return any phone calls from her. The break must be clean and leave no room for misinterpretation.
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