While its cool to have a crush on someone, its even better when you know theyre crushing on you. Attracting a crush is only as difficult as you make it. Why sit around waiting for the object of your affection to develop feelings for someone else? With a little effort and a few well-calculated moves, youll be reaping the benefits of being the hunted.
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Find ways to get their attention. Whether its joining them for their daily workout or engaging them in a healthy game of chess, you must learn what makes them take notice. Show your crush that youll make time to do things that please them, no matter how trivial the task may seem. Maybe no one else will help them sort paper clips or arrange their music collection. This will give you an advantage in the battle for their affection.
2Play up to their ego. Give compliments that make them feel special. Point out interesting qualities or abilities such as their flattering walk or style of dress. Tailor the intensity and frequency of your compliments to fit the needs of your target. A few well placed compliments could make you the focus of their conversations and the subject of their dreams.
3Show them what they desire to see. Your crush may have a set of qualities they find most attractive. Key in on these specific traits and actions to alter your behavior in the most effective way. A simple change of attitude or perfume could send your target into overdrive. The goal is to embody their ideals while staying true to yourself.
4Make yourself seem unattainable. Since people often enjoy a good challenge, you must make yourself seem out of reach to attract extra attention. This is not the time to obey their every command or follow them around begging for their affection. The key to attracting a crush is to make them desire you without making a fool of yourself.
5Keep them waiting for your next move. It wont matter how smooth your technique is if your target is uninterested in your actions. After successfully gaining their attention and baiting them with compliments and worthy conversation, its up to you to keep the game going. Provide special moments that tap into their desire to be sought after by keeping your actions creative and unpredictable. The same jokes or compliments wont gain you an advantages when trying to attract a crush.
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