You've seen this movie before. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. They have tons of kids and live happily ever after. Newsflash: real life isn't a fairytale. Before riding off into the sunset, you will run across a few relationship obstacles. Watch out for certain signs from the guy who can't commit to you for whatever reason.
He's Not Over His Ex
You've hung out with him for several months but he hasn't committed to you yet. Signs that he is still in love with his girlfriend include him speaking about her in a positive or negative manner or he still has a framed picture of her tucked under his boxers. Until he gets over his ex, you're only the girl he's dating.
Other People
Your boyfriend has the reputation as a serial dater and you haven't had the exclusive relationship talk. One reason he cannot commit is because someone else is in the picture; diverting his attention from you. Some men like to date several women to keep their options open before making a decision. Unfortunately, the end result may wind up with a breakup. Watch for signs, such as lying about where he was, mysterious schedules and long periods of noncommunication.
He's Happy
He is the type of guy incapable of a committed relationship because he likes his life the way it is. He enjoys the freedom to do as he pleases. His priorities are his friends, work, hobbies and then you. One sign includes breaking dates with you to hang out with his buddies. Another sign would be he prefers to work overtime instead of taking you to dinner.
He's Not Ready for the Responsibility
Being in a committed relationship requires responsibility he is not ready for. He refuses to go to family weddings or other gatherings with you. Another sign is avoiding you when you're sick. He will bring you chicken soup but he doesn't want the responsibility of giving you medication or wiping your feverish brow.
If you feel he cannot commit to you, you don't have to break off the relationship. Have an open discussion and communicate your feelings. Be sure he understands you want a relationship with him. Another option to salvage the relationship is couples therapy, but only if he agrees.
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