Although it boasts one of the fastest growing communities in America, the Asian American population is still often misunderstood. Some people assume that all Asians speak all Asian languages fluently. Others hold outdated racist stereotypes that they believe to be true. Realize that if you want to get to know an Asian girl, you need to let these preconceived ideas go and instead look at her as a potential friend or girlfriend whom you have all the time in the world to get to know.
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Stay calm and collected. Whether the girl is nerdy, beautiful, popular or surrounded with a group of friends, try not to get too nervous. Remember that she's a person, just like you, and is probably thrilled that you noticed her enough to come talk to her.
2Understand that family is a major part of her life. Even if your new friend was born and raised in America, she likely has very close ties to her family. Prepare yourself for meeting her family and realize that if you want to date her, you will likely spend a significant amount of time with her parents and extended family.
3Avoid asking insensitive or racist questions. While it may seem like common courtesy, try to avoid asking questions that demonstrate ignorance. Your new friend may become offended if you ask her "Are you Korean?" especially if she is not. Another blunder is to greet her in Chinese when she is of Japanese descent. Avoid the topic of race and country of origin unless she demonstrates an interest in sharing what country she is from. Remember, she could be a second or third generation immigrant so it's possible that she doesn't speak her family's native tongue.
4Brush up on your Asian culture. Bring a few fun facts to discuss or a history topic to ask about. Ask your new friend to clarify a subject or question for you. For example, you could say, "I was reading that in China, handwriting is sometimes used to determine how educated or important a person is. Is that true?" Also be prepared to talk about cuisine, community, activities and transport. Even if your girl was born in America, she likely has spent time overseas visiting her relatives.
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