When you meet a girl that you like, it can be difficult to convey exactly how you're feeling. Worries about whether she likes you as well, whether she's "too good" for you or whether you'll get hurt usually run through people's heads. These thoughts may make the prospect of confessing your feelings even more unappealing. Nevertheless, it's important to get to the point. By relying on confidence and security and combining them with creativity, you can let a girl know of your interest. What do you have to lose? Chances are good she may like you, too.
Put Your Best Foot Forward
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Ensure you always look smart and presentable. According to GetFrank, your first and last impressions are the most important, so before you approach the girl of your dreams, make sure you won't regret it when you look in the mirror later. It's important to show her that you're comfortable with yourself and that helps when you're looking your best.
2Take a deep breath and exude confidence. If you don't feel confident, pretend you do and act accordingly. A girl will not be impressed if you're nervous, blubbering, seem unsure of yourself or act as if she intimidates you. Speak clearly, control your nerves, stay calm and appear unfazed.
3Practice what you're going to say to her before you say it but never recite an intense, robotic speech that's meant to be read word for word. Have a general idea of what you want to say and act naturally so you can respond with ease to her replies. Rehearse a dialogue if you need to -- changing what you imagine her response might be each time you do so -- but don't sound as if you've been reading a script when the time comes.
4Prepare yourself for any reaction. If you've asked her on a date and the answer is "yes," she clearly likes you, too, and wants to go out with you. Assume this is the case and make sure you have something in mind to say in return such as, "Sounds good. I'll pick you up at 8 p.m." If the answer is "no," be gracious and casual. Even if your feelings are hurt, you want to appear as if her negative reaction hasn't phased you in the least. Replies such as, "OK, no worries," or "OK, maybe some other time," are examples of appropriate responses.
5Ensure you speak to the girl yourself. There are few things worse than friends who know you like a girl trying to "help" out by making sly comments to her that she won't understand. While it may be tempting to say, "Try and find out if she likes me," to a good friend, the girl in question will be much more impressed if you speak for yourself. If you tell her in a comfortable, mature way that you like her, there's very little chance -- almost none, in fact -- that she's going to be rude to you in turn. It's flattering to be told that someone likes you.
6Push any negative thoughts out of your mind. We can often be our own worst enemies. Think positive thoughts. Now is not the time to remember the "friend" who told you the girl in question is "in better shape than you." Nor is it the time to think about the ex-girlfriend who laughed at you because you seemed awkward when you first asked her out. After all, you must have done something right because she became your girlfriend! Don't worry about what others may think of you. People who make negative or teasing comments are probably insecure about themselves so go on with your plan and be sure of yourself.
7Wait for an appropriate moment to suggest to her that you like her. Maybe the right time will come at a party when the two of you are alone or you'll see her walking home alone from school or work. Take advantage of good timing. Both of you will feel much more comfortable without an audience.
8Ask her out on a date or simply tell her that you'd like to be more than friends. Start by saying something like, "Hi, do you have a minute to talk?" then follow up with a specific statement and question that will give you a definitive answer. A suggestion: "I'm not sure if you're seeing anyone but I wanted to ask if you'd like to go to the Taylor Swift concert with me next Saturday night?" If she says "no" because she legitimately has other plans, you'll usually be able to tell. If this is the case, follow up with, "How about some other time? Can I take you to dinner?" Her answer to that question will tell you whether she would like to pursue something beyond friendship. What's the worst that could happen if she says "no?" You move on to another nice girl.
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