You just received a "Dear John" letter saying it is over between you and your significant other. Of course, you are feeling a whole mix of emotions, anger, indignation, sorrow and more. Give yourself some time, at the very least until the next day, before you respond to the Dear John letter. Read on to learn how to respond to a Dear John letter.
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Wait a bit before you respond to your Dear John letter. You may not continue to feel the same way so give yourself some time to assess your true feelings first.
2Ignore the letter, especially if you are angry. Realize that anger will not change anything. If you cannot get past the angry feeling throw the letter away or better yet burn it.
3Advise the person that you respect her wishes and you will not pursue her any longer.
4Respond with humor. Let her know you still have your sense of humor intact and you will keep that above all things.
5Suggest she think this through because once her decision is final you will move on with your life. Tell her that you have another someone in mind and make that your reality.
6Be kind to to yourself and understand that any response you have will most likely not change this situation. One thing you can do is respond to the letter by saying anything you want, even hurtful and angry things, but do not send this letter. Write it, read it and then tear it up and burn the pieces.
7Think about your life without this person. Go out and get involved with new friends. Respond to this Dear John letter by realizing you are still alive and the world is still there.
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