It's happened to every guy, at least once.You meet a girl. She's beautiful, intelligent, funny, and kind. She's not jealous, clingy, whiny or nagging. All in all she seems to be the perfect girl. Yet, no matter how good of a girlfriend she is, the fact of the matter is that the magic just isn't there. You don't want to dump her, but deep down you just know that it's not going to work. What do you do? While there is no simple answer, and not every solution can possibly apply to to every situation, here are some suggestions to help you make that inevitable break.
- 1
Tell her that you need to talk to her about your relationship. This gives her an indication that something serious is coming. Think of it as an advance warning. It will help later, when you do tell her that you are breaking things off, if she senses that it's coming beforehand. It's better to give her the warning, than to just drop it on her from out of the blue.
2Give her the courtesy of telling her in person. Don't break off the relationship over the telephone, via email, or instant messenger. Since she has been a good girlfriend, she deserves to hear this from you, face to face.
3Tell her the truth. Don't make excuses, and don't try to hide from the situation. Honesty is always the best policy, even though it may not be easy.
4Listen to what she has to say. The relationship can't be worked out, but at least you can give her the chance to discuss how she feels about the breakup. Hopefully by talking, and listening, the two of you can reach some sort of closure.
5Focus on the positive. Talk about the good times you had together, and the things you learned from one another. Every relationship is a chance to learn about others and ourselves. Let her know what you valued most about being with her, and what you appreciate most about her as a person.
6Ask for her understanding, but don't expect or demand it. She may need some time to come to terms with the breakup. Be willing to give her the time and space that she needs, without being angry or bitter, in return.
7Stay broke up, after it's all said and done. She was a good girlfriend, so at times you may be tempted to try to rekindle the flame. If it didn't work the first time, chances are it won't work, even if you try again. Resist the temptation to call, or stop by her house. In the long run you'll only hurt each other more.
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