Humans communicate through speech but there are nearly a million non-verbal cues and signals that we use, some consciously and some unconsciously. According to Albert Mehrabian, a body language researcher from the 1950s, a person gets 7 percent of someone's message through his words, 38 percent via tone and inflection, and 55 percent through non-verbal methods such as facial expressions (See References 1). However, it is easy to misread body language. For example, someone could be avoiding eye contact because he is hiding something or is nervous.
Understanding body language
- 1
Observe whether the person maintains eye contact or looks away frequently during a discussion. According to the Body Language Expert, somebody who is lying will avert his gaze and look away from the person he is talking to. One theory is that if someone looks to his left then he is telling the truth and simply trying to compose his thoughts and come up with a response. However, if he looks to his right it could be a sign that he's lying. (See References 2)
2Look at what the person is doing with her arms and legs. Body language experts tend to agree that arm crossing is a sign of defensiveness. It acts as a protective barrier and indicates that the person could be uncomfortable with the conversation. Other negative displays of body language include leg crossing and keeping an exaggerated distance away when conversing. (See References 3)
3Observe if the person is mirroring your postures and gestures. For example, if you lean forward does he lean forward too? Mirroring is often a sign that someone feels in tune with you. Sometimes it is deliberate. An interviewer might use the technique to try to put an interviewee at ease. (See References 3).
4Watch out for someone who, while sitting, points his feet towards you. This can be a sign of attraction. Likewise, if a woman plays with her hair or a man fiddles with one of his ear lobes, attraction could be the underlying reason. Some of these gestures are unconscious. (See References 3)
5Spot "fake" body language, such as a smile that seems to last longer than normal. This could be a sign that the person is not really happy to see you. (See References 3)
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