You're just not happy in this relationship anymore. But you are not sure what to do. How can you know if it's time to break up with her? Five surefire signs that it's over.
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You are fighting. Not just disagreeing. If you have a fight that never seems to end, or if you get mad every time you see each other, it's over, Rover.
2She is pressuring you to do something you're not ready for. Maybe she wants to meet the folks - or get engaged. If you're not 100% in on this drive, call a time out and get off the field.
3It's all about sex. Lots of guys might think that would be a dream scenario. But any real relationship is about a lot more. Women are often more sensitive to serious issues in a relationship. If she has suddenly turned into a vixen, chances are she is trying to salvage things. Sex will not hold a failed relationship together. If you don't see a future here, it's time to stop fooling around.
4She whines a lot. Not just the typical PMS stuff. If she scolds constantly about your looks, your time, or whatever, she probably is looking to pick a fight. She may want satisfy her emotional need for a dramatic breakup. Don't give her one. Walk away.
5She is suddenly secretive. You catch her stashing away her phone, guiltily clicking out of e-mails, or suddenly unavailable for long periods of time? She's probably on to a new guy. Break it off.
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