You may have the impression that your girlfriend feels that everything you do is wrong. This can sap your confidence and rob your relationship of joy and fun. Your girlfriend may be so angry and resentful that she is unaware of how destructive constant nagging can be. However, what one person may consider nagging may not look like that at all, to someone else. You may give your girlfriend reason to nag you. Some people may not even call it nagging; it depends on the circumstances. Nevertheless, this is not a good place for either of you be. You need to work hard to change your relationship.
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Try to break this destructive cycle by recognizing the pattern you and your girlfriend have fallen into. Ask her to sit down and talk to you. Tell her honestly that you feel that she nags you a lot, but avoid using that word. Reassure her also about the good things in your relationship, and how much you care for her --- if that is still the case.
2Tell her how it makes you feel when she tells you about your inadequacies. If it makes you feel angry or victimized, tell her that. Ask her to tell you if there is an underlying reason why she is unhappy with you. This may be the case. it may be, for instance, that you are not working, or not looking for work. Instead of talking to you about this, she may be displacing her frustration by nagging about other things.
3Review this situation, according to how your girfriend responds to your discussion. She may be shocked to realize how you feel, and you may see a change. Alternatively, she may completely refuse to recognize or regret her behavior. If this is the case, you may feel that your relationship is not working. If you both identify deeper issues, suggest couple counseling.
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