When you are content in a relationship, it seems like anything is possible. Being a part of a couple makes you feel as if it is the two of you against the rest of the world. He is the rock that you lean on when you have a crisis in your life. Deep down you know that your life is better because of him. You are committed to your one and only and intend on having a future with him. Come to think of it, a future without him seems impossible to imagine. Until one day, the unexpected occurs. Suddenly he comes to you and says those dreaded words. We need to talk. That line is universal and everyone knows that bad news always follows that one statement. Heartbroken and emotionally crushed, you see your relationship crumble to the ground. Is it possible to reverse a breakup? Can your broken relationship rise from the ashes? The only way to find out is to try.
Reverse a Breakup
- 1
Contact your ex and ask if you can meet. Men are visual. Wear an outfit that flatters your figure. You want him to know what he is missing. During this casual date, explain that you would like to know if the breakup could have been prevented. You are looking for information that might shine a light on why he decided to split.
2Listen to your ex. Every relationship has its weaknesses. We are human and as such we have faults. A good partnership needs one person to be strong where the other is weak. This is an example of yin and yang where a balance must be struck. This gives the relationship a stable foundation even during the shakiest times. Listen to your ex to gain valuable insights. This will be extremely helpful if you attempt to reconcile.
3Explain to your ex that you are willing to earn his trust back, if he no longer can trust you. If he does give you another chance, promise him that you will never cheat on him again. Mean those words.
4Ask your ex if he believes that the relationship deserves another chance. If he says 'no' then you need to accept his decision. It is not worth getting back with an ex if he is not willing to do all he can to make it a great one relationship.
5Offer time. It is very important to give your ex some time. Often, a couple will reconcile because the person that did the dumping realizes that he misses his ex.
6Flirt. Sometimes jealousy can work in your favor. Target his closest friends and flirt with them every chance you get. In every guy's circle of friends is a guy who secretly drools over his buddys girl.
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