Ending a relationship can be difficult. You not only have your own emotions and issues to deal with, but those of the other person as well. You need to consider how much you are hurting them by ending the relationship; he or she may have contributed very little. Regardless of how you or the other person feels or reacts, ending a relationship can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety in both.
The Facts
Relationships end because they have run their course. Initial attraction wanes and one party or the other second-guesses the relationship. One person may realize they are no longer excited by the other and may be looking elsewhere. This makes ending a relationship necessary.
Ending a relationship does not have to be a negative experience for either party. When handled maturely, a couple can end the relationship, get closure and move on. They may actually stay friends afterward.
Risk Factors
Ending a relationship can also be risky. You may find out later that you acted hastily and want that person back. Of course, they may not want you back. You may be in an abusive relationship, and that person may harass and stalk you, or abuse you worse. Fully assess the relationship before breaking up, and then do so in a way that will guard both your heart and your well-being.
The benefits of ending a relationship are that you are not living a lie. If you have no affection for the other person, it is unfair to pretend that you do. If the relationship is unhealthy, ending it will help you recover from the stresses that came along with it. Ending a relationship will also help you to move on more quickly to a healthy relationship.
Many people fear breaking up will cause heartache to the other person. However, you never know if the other person is feeling the same way. It does not make sense for two people to be unhappy in an effort to save the feelings of the other. If the relationship has grown unhappy for one person, the other person is surely feeling some of the negativity.
Everyone has to end a relationship at some point in their lives. Some do it as teenagers. Some don't have to face this difficult milestone until they are much older. However, being able to end a relationship, whether it be a love or a business relationship, is a major and much-needed life skill that comes with maturity and self-preservation.
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